Evaluate vaccines claims data to assess the completeness of the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS).

Colorado APCD website screenshot
June 2013

Contact: Center for Improving Value in Health Care
Email:  ColoradoAPCD@civhc.org

Background: Colorado providers are required to submit immunization information to the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS). However, CDPHE is unable to track how compliant providers are with submitting to the system. As a result, it is unclear where there are gaps in care for immunizations across the state and it is difficult to estimate dose levels necessary. Since most providers submit claims for their insured patients for immunizations, the claims data in the APCD can help inform the accuracy of the information being submitted to the CIIS.

Goal: Assess the completeness of the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) and obtain an accurate count of the number of immunizing providers in the state.

Data Analyzed: Immunization claims by provider and geography.

Results: The APCD provided a robust source of data to obtain a better picture of the number of immunizing providers in the state. Provided an additional source of information on immunizations being provided to help determine dose level and provider level saturation at the county level, and helped better understand the completeness of the CIIS.

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