Analyze insurance claim trends to determine appropriate health insurance rates

Colorado APCD website screenshot
February 2014

Contact: Center for Improving Value in Health Care

Background: The purpose of the project is to analyze the medical trends in Colorado and determine the appropriate average trend to be used by insurance carriers in their 2015 rate filings. The data and resulting report will be used in conjunction with rate review of individual, small group and large group rate filings.

Goal: To gain an understanding of acceptable trend factors that can be included in insurer’s health insurance rate filings.

Data Analyzed: 2009-2013 historic file of Commercial claims data

Results: A baseline report was created.  Subsequent reports will be more useful as more post-ACA data is included in the APCD.  In addition, DOI can use the data and analysis from this study as the building block for future monitoring of the Colorado health care system.

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