
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
Price Effects Of Vertical Integration And Joint Contracting Between Physicians And Hospitals In Massachusetts
We examined trends, geographic variation, and price effects of vertical integration and joint contracting between physicians and hospitals, using phys...
Consumers, Providers, Researchers Quality
Potentially Avoidable ED Visits
An emergency department visit is considered potentially avoidable when the care provided may have been more appropriately managed by a primary care pr...
State: Virginia
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost
Using State All-Payer Claims Data to Identify the Active Primary Care Workforce: A Novel Study in Virginia
Our novel method of identifying active physicians with a primary care scope provides a realistic size of the primary care workforce in Virginia, small...
State: Virginia
Providers, Researchers Utilization
Affordability Dashboard
The Affordability Dashboard provides information on health care cost drivers and opportunities to improve the affordability of health care in Colorado...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost
Identifying Potential Overuse of Non-Evidence-Based Health Care in Utah: A Report for the Utah Health Data Committee
In 2020, H.B. 195 - Identifying wasteful healthcare spending, which enacted UCA §26-33a-117-Identifying potential overuse of non-evidence-based health...
State: Utah
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Transitions in Health Insurance During the Perinatal Period Among Patients With Continuous Insurance Coverage
Although health insurance continuity is important during the perinatal period to improve birth outcomes and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, i...
Consumers, Insurance Department, Population Health, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Utilization