
The Minnesota Department of Health analyzed the overuse of unnecessary or low-value care throughout the state of Minnesota using data from the MN APCD... Learn More
This report examines chronic disease prevalence and spending for Minnesota residents with health insurance in 2012, using Minnesota’s robust All Payer... Learn More
The WA-APCD health measures dashboards offer publicly available data reports which include a comparison of statewide and Accountable Communities of He... Learn More
This is the second study on prescription drug use and spending released from CHIA. For this analysis, CHIA used a subset of commercial pharmacy claims... Learn More
Use of telehealth services was rising before the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic. From January 2018 to February 2020, telehealth utilization v... Learn More
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), using data from the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) updated the Telehealth Service... Learn More
Goal: Evaluate prior coverage analysis, de-identified and aggregated by payer, which depicts measures of data quantity (number of members, number of c... Learn More
This research entity will define patterns of opioid analgesia and prolonged opioid use in a large cohort study of patients that underwent major inpati... Learn More
This study determined the rates of long-term opioid prescription-filling behavior after common orthopaedic surgical procedures in patients who were no... Learn More
Washington State Office of Financial Management staff used the WA-APCD to run Pharmacy Quality Alliance Opioid Prescribing Measures for 2014-2018. Learn More
This analysis presents the number and count of deliveries and births that occurred between 2014-2018 for Commercially insured and Medicaid insured mem... Learn More
This analysis helps to answer, of the people who have a fecal screener: 1. How many insured lives in Colorado have a colonoscopy within a year?, and, ... Learn More
The Nurse Midwife Payment Evaluation data set provides payment comparisons for common procedures provided by Nurse Midwives, OB/GYNs, Primary Care Pro... Learn More
The Utah Department of Health, Office of Health Care Statistics (OHCS) produced this report at the request and under the direction of the Transparency... Learn More
The Utah Department of Health, Office of Health Care Statistics (OHCS) produced this report at the request and under the direction of the Transparency... Learn More
Consistent with this mission, the Transparency Advisory Group selected colonoscopies as a procedure with high health care value for Utahns. This repor... Learn More
This is the first broad-based study that reports prices paid by private health plans to hospitals identified by name and to groups of hospitals under ... Learn More
This report describes variation in blood pressure medication adherence among Minnesotans and provides strategies to improve adherence. Learn More
Analysis of claims data from the APCD indicates that reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries in Colorado by just 10 percent (consistent with the Heal... Learn More
Colorado's State Innovation Model (SIM) seeks to measure and improve care for Coloradans living with chronic asthma. Relying on Colorado all-paye... Learn More